I'm brokEn.,broken into pieces.,!! things were so harsh for the four of us..First, the conflict was onLy between Khersy and Chai..and nOW, i was aLreadY invoLed.,!! I reaLLy don't knoW what to do, what to think and what to act.,knowing d facT that i'LL gonna meet thEse peePz everydaY.,anD its reaLLy ahrd for me to LEt go of the friendship knOwing dat i've been with them for a very Long tym aLreadya nd i'm getting usEd to our friendship..Things we're jaz too harsh for us that we're over-reacting things., Its reaLLy terribLe having such misunderstandings with a friend..I jaz dont know what to do..maybe i shaLL cut the string that bonds us aLL together..coz this aLready happened twice..and i wiLL not aLLow it to happen for the third tiMe..
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