Sunday, August 17, 2008

~August 17, 2008~ this daY sucKs.,!!

It really sucks.,!! First thing as i wake up in the morning, I wasn't able to notice the alarm ringing. By that, i woke up at 8:00 instead of 5:30 a.m., therefore i got late for our school activity. This was followed by another incident. My cam was with my brother. Supposedly, i'm the one who will bring the cam to school for our activity and for our show in Parkmall..( grrr..makasapot jud!! ) Shocks..!! At school, i wasn't able to participate in the Sunday Mass. Then we changed for our costume coz the ballet peepz will be the one to open the ceremony by our doxology. Everything's under control when Sir Nino, our dance instructor, announced that the showcase of talents will go first coz the person in-charge for the Induction ceremony has not arrived yet. Therefore, i hurriedly change for another costume. I was about to change my stuffs when one of our balletmates told me that the Induction ceremony will go first and i have to change for my Ballet costume, so i changed my costume. I thought my very unlucky moment was up to that time only. When the program was about to start, the CD player which contains our music for the doxology didn't play! What a crap!! I felt so down. I hurriedly changed for another costume i will be using for the showcase of talents. When i was already done changing, another balletmate announced that we still have to present another dance. I felt very hot tempered and freaked out. I told them to do the dancing without me. After that, another freaking incident happened. Our showcase of talent really sucks. It was really urghh..!!
By 2:00, the dancers, including me made our way to Parkmall where we will be performing. Sir Nino told us that we will be dancing 3 dances namely, Doxology, Usahay, and Buhata Na. When we arrived on the venue, we had our blocking immediately. It was not listed on the repertoire that there will be a Doxology and Usahay. That simply means, our only dance will be Buhata Na. After that, it was announced that the show will start at 7:00 p.m. All of us had a very grand time of chit-chatting and playing. But by 5:00 something, Sir Nino told us to immediately change for our respective costumes. The rest of our co-dancers hurriedly changed except the Ballet majors( i'm with them) since our dance is nearly to the end of the progrma and there's no need for us to hurry. It was about 5 dances to go before "Buhata Na" and we were all prepared. Unexpectedly, Sir Nino announced that there will be no Buhata Na. I felt very embarassed that time. We end up feling like a fool, not having a single dance to perform. I almost cried. It was very shocking and bombing to my part. I was expecting to perfom in front of the mayor. And all those expectations burst like bubbles. And it sucks.,!!
This day really sucks like hell. STRIKE to go and i'LL quit..!! Shocks.,!! i was really embarassed and i really won;t forget this day. By the end of the day, i regret that i chose to perform instead of hanging out with the whole family in S.M. I felt really sad and my heart was shattered into pieces.

Friday, August 15, 2008

1st Periodical Test ~ One Down, Three more..^_ ^

WaaahH!! Our first Periodical Test has just ended. One down! Three to go!! LawL..!! I'm so happy although I didnt get the highest score in each test. I'm thankful enough to have such scores. At least i didn't make it to the bottom. I can really say all my struggles has bear enough to make myself proud. But to admit it, i was a little bit depressed on my science score. I really studied hard and focused more on that subject to get really bombing scores. But the test questions which came out was unexpected. And therefore, i got quite low scores and wasn't able to get the passing score. Shockz!! My bad!! Hate it..But to the rest of the subjects, i find them quite good but not very good. I wan't to aim more. I know i can do better if only i study more. What i'm doing now is not enough to make it to the top! I can to reach out more and more..till i bop to the top!!

FAM DAY~ a struggLe for something

August 17 ~ Mandaue City School for The Arts, Family Day..I can't wait for this event. This time I'll make sure that i can participate in the said activity since i was not able to attend the same event last year! And by now i can feel through the cool air passing through my vibes, that i can really go to the event. No need for other excuses.. I'll surely make it to the day. We'll be performing our winning piece during the dulang pilipino, on the same date. And that's where my struggle started. I definitely don't know what to do..First, i want to present, just to prove that i know a little bit of acting and to make my parents proud of me. But then on the other side, I wanna quit because i feared my mother will not appreciate my role in the play. And aside from that, there was one scene which shows a love story between me and a punk guy(kunuhay)..And i hate to hear some negative feedback from my mother. She might think i'm that flirt or something. And as of this time, i dont know what to do. if i quit, i'll bring our presentation to hell and i'll also loose the expectations of my fellow actors and actresses and also, my classmates. But if i continue, i'm afraid that my mother will have a negative picture of me being that flirt. And i really know the attitude of my mother. Ohemgee..!! I need help..

Friday, August 1, 2008

.,I'm broKen..,

I'm brokEn.,broken into pieces.,!! things were so harsh for the four of us..First, the conflict was onLy between Khersy and Chai..and nOW, i was aLreadY invoLed.,!! I reaLLy don't knoW what to do, what to think and what to act.,knowing d facT that i'LL gonna meet thEse peePz everydaY.,anD its reaLLy ahrd for me to LEt go of the friendship knOwing dat i've been with them for a very Long tym aLreadya nd i'm getting usEd to our friendship..Things we're jaz too harsh for us that we're over-reacting things., Its reaLLy terribLe having such misunderstandings with a friend..I jaz dont know what to do..maybe i shaLL cut the string that bonds us aLL together..coz this aLready happened twice..and i wiLL not aLLow it to happen for the third tiMe..


Go..Go..HARMONY!! Our preparation and cooking of the food.
Me and Desiree(bLurred.,??!!)
Pyesta sa BArrio!!! woHoo..!!
Our MAPEH teacher..Mr. Nino of the judges..!!

Wohoo..we wOn 1st place.,!! At Least..LOL.,!! Harmony rock!! Harmony is on d groove.,!! wohoo..congratz to aLL of us, most especially to our cooks..Lennart for the fried rice.,Shemz for the garden saLad and Tofu BBQ, eLLa for the nEst souP..etc..CONGRATZ!!!

Inspire and be inspired ^_~

  • I'll meet Taylor Lautner personally soon
  • I'll be in La Push soon
  • I'll be in Forks, Washington soon
  • I'll be rich!
  • I'll be travelling around the world