Monday, August 10, 2009

Blinded by reality

A lot of teenagers now a days are into online relationships where in fact they barely know their so called "mate".

Indonesians falling in love to a British. A British and Filipino showing mutual understandings and a lot more. Different races attract through online connections. The idea of being in love with a different race doesn't bother me, but the fact that you're in love online made me wonder how those teens were able to make it.

I have this online group wherein we role play by using celebrity photos ( some role players use models as their portrayer ). I'm really much addicted to it due to the fact that we get the chance to befriend other teenagers, mostly from other Asian countries and European countries. Some Americans also join this online community. It's really fun! But sometimes, we just can't control the beating of our heart. We tend to get along with our feelings while role playing. We tend to bring the role play acts in our daily life. We tend to like someone not just in role play but also in reality. I have some RP friends who have their mates in RP, and I wonder if they're also mates in RL. Sometimes their role play is just too good that curiosity can't escape from me. " Are they really in love in RL? " Well.. some are obviously "yes'. But my question is "Are they serious? They must be lucky enough to end up such relationship. Are they really in love on the person behind the character? or are they only in love to the portrayer? Is it the fact that they can't have that super-cute-and-super-famous-celebrity-used-by-the-puppeteer that's why they just choose to fall in love to that character just to feel the feeling of having that super-cute-and-super-famous-celebrity as their mate? or is it really the spark which has developed between the two of you that you we're not able to notice that you're slowly falling for that someone and you just can't explain why?

The questions just keep on running inside my brain. Sometimes I just wanna approach these fellas and ask them my questions. *sighs*

1 comment:

smilelittlelou said...

Note: No offense to some races mentioned in the blog.. *peace out*

Inspire and be inspired ^_~

  • I'll meet Taylor Lautner personally soon
  • I'll be in La Push soon
  • I'll be in Forks, Washington soon
  • I'll be rich!
  • I'll be travelling around the world